

Glazing System - 60 minute seals are made of self-adheshive rigid pvc encapsulated strips of intumescent and provide proven 60 minute protection for glazed doors, screens and partitions.

In the event of fire, the intumescent swells to provide a seal within the glazing pocket and also reduces the risk of premature ignition of the glazing beads on the protected face.

The system is easily installed and can be used with virtually any size or shape door and glazed screen.

When used in conjunction with FD60 doors all glazed apertures should be fully lined with Pyrostrip 52mm x 2mm 100ECSA, prior to fixing the glazing beads.

  • Tested in conjunction with a wide variety of glass, including both integrity (E) and integrity/insulation (EI) glass types
  • Successfully assessed by numerous UK and international testing centres
  • Standard colours – black, white, cream, light and dark brown and slate grey
  • Non-standard colours available on request
  • Pyroglaze 60 is manufactured as 25mm x 3mm or 25mm x 4mm
  • Standard length – 2100mm
  • Non-standard lengths up to 3m available on request
  • Dry glazing system, no cleaning down after installation
  • Available as separate component or as part of a complete glazed system